訂做線材 – 加入個人化標籤
Custom-made XLR Cables with Personalised Labels
在音響系統裡,不要少看線材的重要性。可靠優質的線材能為您的影音系統更具穩定性,也能提升系統的質素。而加入個人標纖,更可使系統有條理化,在維修保養及應用時更宜整理。想為您的系統添置這些度身訂造的線材嗎?我們提供各樣線材或插頭以供客戶選擇,歡迎查詢訂購 (Whatsapp: 5489 3005, Tel: 3844 7800)。
A set of good-quality custom-made XLR cables could bring you a surprise in enhancing the liability and quality of your sound system. With personal labels added to the cables, it could also tidy up your system and help a lot in daily application and maintenance. If you would like to know more about our service of making a set of cables to your audio system, please do not hesitate to contact us at whatsApp: 5489 3005 or at Tel: 3844 7800.