在疫症的影響下,人們漸漸習慣以混合模式進行研討會及各式會議,除可節省外地講員交通時間和成本,也可便利籌組會議。JAMM緊隨著時代步伐,我們已研發及建立了一個完備、穩定及高質的直播系統,以切合各類混合模式會議的需要,使實體與網上參加者同步出席之餘,也不減他們在活動中的參與度。如想瞭解更多透過我們舉辦此類活動的成功例子,或JAMM所提供的其他服務,歡迎與我們聯絡 ,電話:3844 7800/ WhatsApp:5489 3005/ 電郵:info@jamm.hk。
Under the influence of the epidemic, people have become accustomed to holding seminars and conferences in a hybrid mode, which not only saves the travel time and cost of field speakers, but also facilitates the flexibility of meetings. Following the times, JAMM has developed and established a complete, stable and high-quality live broadcast system to meet the needs of various hybrid meetings, so that physical and online participants can attend simultaneously without reducing their participation in the event. To find out more about our success in hosting such events, or other services JAMM provides, please contact us at 3844 7800/WhatsApp 54893005.